“Oh Canada!” A Plein Air Painting Workshop

A One-Day Art Workshop in the Ottawa Region

Plein air art classes | All Levels | All Media

August 17, 2024 > North of Ottawa, in the Gatineau Hills

Plein air painting Workshop in Ottawa

A one-day art workshop in the Ottawa region in Canada offered every August. Learn the fundamental notions of plein air painting. And develop the skills to effectively depict, in your own way, the shapes and depth of the landscape. The day starts with an art history lecture and ends with a gastronomic evening. Open to artists of all levels and mediums.

Course Overview:

Morning 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. > National Gallery of Canada

A one-hour lecture entitled A Brief History of Canadian Landscape Seen Through the Eyes of Religion at the National Gallery of Canada (380 Sussex, Ottawa)

Afternoon 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. > in the Province of Québec

Your voice is indeed important to express your concern in seeing this transforming landscape; this is what we will altogether, address during this afternoon painting class.

After a brief presentation on a whiteboard and a few loosening exercises resulting in part from our morning discussion, we will be ready to tackle the chosen subject with paint. At the end of the workshop, you might be bewildered by the apparently uncontrolled effervescence of your gesture or the quietness and inquisitive attention given to your composition. Since everyone is different, between the frenzied and the calmness exists a vast territory of human emotions. It is that landscape that we will together explore in a very enjoyable and thoughtful manner.

Early Evening 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. > at Walk the Arts Headquarters

A cultural mediation with the neighborhood while having our aperitif. You will be showing your art, the result of your afternoon art workshop. Be ready to answer some questions and even sell your work.

Evening until 11:00 p.m. > Walk the Arts headquarters’ gardens, called Lost Paradigm.

A 5-course dinner (with wine pairings) from our book Let Go! The Artists’ Way of Cooking. The perfect way to end a creative and fun day.

Price CAD $ 440

Includes :

  • 1-hour live art history lecture on the landscape
  • Entrance to the National Gallery of Canada
  • Transportation from the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa (380 Sussex) to Walk the Arts’ main office in the Ottawa region (44 Chemin du Vieux Chemin, Val-des-Monts)
  • 3 to 4 hour plein air painting coaching (including a cultural mediation)
  • A 5-course outdoor gastronomical dinner including wine from Walk the Arts recipe book
  • Return transportation from Walk the Arts to the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa

Cover of the best cooking book by Walk the Arts offering art workshops in Italy

Material needed

  • An easel.
  • Your usual art materials (paint, brushes, canvas, etc.)
  • A fleece, comfortable walking shoes, a hat.


The painting and dinner location is situated 25 minutes north of Ottawa (Canada’s National Capital) in the Gatineau Hill Region.

From This Art Workshop

Since 1997 Walk the Arts (icscis inc.) has been offering top quality painting workshops, art classes, and art history tours in Italy, France, Colombia, Spain, and the United States.

© 2020 Walk the Arts | painting-workshops.com

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Studio O Canada - Plein air painting workshop in Ottawa
Ottawa region,
Starting on
August 17, 2024
Ending on
May 17, 2024
Join our unique one-day art workshop in the Ottawa region. More than an introduction to plein air painting, in this workshop you will learn to interpret and depict the landscape in a personal way. The day starts with a one-hour art lecture at the Nationally Gallery of Canada and ends with a discussion around an outdoor five-course gourmet dinner. In a nutshell, a fun workshop that emphasizes knowledge, genuineness, colors, flavors, and new friendships. And August is such a beautiful time in Canada! The workshop is limited to eight participants only.
CAD 440
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