Painting techniques and demonstrations during our painting workshops
OK! We always received a few phone calls and emails asking the same question about our painting workshops in Tuscany: “do you teach the following techniques…?” or “I want to learn this technique…”Of course we teach techniques! But since to teach painting tips and techniques takes only a few minutes (let’s say 10) and our workshop lasts 10 days (14,400 min.), we have to offer much more than mere techniques.
Moreover, we are at the era of Internet. Offering a painting workshop today is not the same as it used to be in 1997 when we started. We all have evolved. For example, if you type on YouTube, “oil painting techniques”, you will get 267,000 results; “encaustic techniques” > 12,600; “How to paint a landscape” > 179,000; and wow, look at this one : “How to paint an Italian landscape” > 8,360. And many of these videos include step by step tutorials on topics as specific as “how to achieve heavy textured paintings” or “glazing oil painting technique the fast way”. Furthermore, you can even learn how to paint like your favorite artist: “how to paint like Van Gogh” > 18,000 results. And we could go on and on! … rest of text on our blog at Read More >